Donation Scheme

Sales & Services
Dattak Yojna

You can adopt any child from the organization and undertake the responsibility of his/her maintenance by donating an amount of INR 1,000/ per month or INR 12,000/- per year.

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Workshop Automation
Swastha Yojna

You can provide facilities like doctor or medical treatment or bear the medical expenses of such children under this scheme.

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Technical Support
Shiksha Yojna

You can donate any/all educational items like copy, pens, pencils, pen drives, etc. and other necessary items required for their education. One child from the organization needs 3 school uniform per year, and hence under this scheme you can donate all/any/some of them school dresses for their school.

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Timely Delivery
Monthly Expenses Yojna

You can make contributions towards the necessary expenses of the organization by donating towards it monthly expenses requirements which it needs for meeting the rent, milk bill, vegetables, electricity bill, water bill, food expenses and commute expenses of such children, etc.

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Timely Delivery
Food Forever

You can make contributions towards Food Forever by paying an amount of INR 20,000/- as a one-time payment

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Timely Delivery
One-Time Food

You can make contributions for One Time food by paying an amount of INR 3,500/-

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Timely Delivery
Breakfast Forever

You can make contributions towards Breakfast Forever by paying an amount of INR 7,500/- as a one-time payment

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Timely Delivery
One-Time Breakfast

You can make contributions for One Time Breakfast by paying an amount of INR 1,500/-

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